Source code for

import os
import shutil
import logging
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Generator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

from fastapi import FastAPI
from ewoksjob.client.local import pool_context
from celery import current_app as current_celery_app

from .backends import json_backend
from .. import resources
from . import config
from .routes.execution import socketio
from .routes.tasks.discovery import discover_tasks

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@asynccontextmanager async def fastapi_lifespan(app: FastAPI) -> Generator[None, None, None]: get_ewoks_settings = app.dependency_overrides.get( config.get_ewoks_settings, config.get_ewoks_settings ) ewoks_settings = get_ewoks_settings() _configure_socketio(ewoks_settings) _copy_default_resources(ewoks_settings) _enable_execution_events(ewoks_settings) with _enable_execution(ewoks_settings): _rediscover_tasks(ewoks_settings) _print_ewoks_settings(ewoks_settings) yield
def _configure_socketio(app_settings: config.EwoksSettings) -> None: socketio.configure_socketio(app_settings) def _copy_default_resources(ewoks_settings: config.EwoksSettings) -> None: """Copy the default resources (tasks, workflows and icon) from the python package to the resource directory.""" for resource, resource_ext in { "tasks": [".json"], "icons": [".png", ".svg"], "workflows": [".json"], }.items(): root_url = json_backend.root_url(ewoks_settings.resource_directory, resource) os.makedirs(root_url, exist_ok=True) for filename in os.listdir(resources.DEFAULT_ROOT / resource): _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext not in resource_ext: continue src = resources.DEFAULT_ROOT / resource / filename if not os.path.isfile(src): continue dest = root_url / filename if not os.path.exists(dest): shutil.copy(src, dest) def _rediscover_tasks(ewoks_settings: config.EwoksSettings) -> None: if not ewoks_settings.discover_tasks: return tasks = discover_tasks(ewoks_settings) root_url = json_backend.root_url(ewoks_settings.resource_directory, "tasks") for resource in tasks: json_backend.save_resource(root_url, resource["task_identifier"], resource) def _enable_execution_events(ewoks_settings: config.EwoksSettings) -> None: """Set default ewoks event handler when nothing has been configured""" if ewoks_settings.configured: return if ewoks_settings.ewoks is None: ewoks_settings.ewoks = dict() if not ewoks_settings.ewoks.get("handlers"): ewoks_settings.ewoks["handlers"] = [ { "class": "", "arguments": [ { "name": "uri", "value": "file:ewoks_events.db", } ], } ] @contextmanager def _enable_execution( ewoks_settings: config.EwoksSettings, ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Ensure workflows can be executed""" if ewoks_settings.celery is None: with pool_context(): yield else: current_celery_app.conf.update(ewoks_settings.celery) yield def _print_ewoks_settings(ewoks_settings: config.EwoksSettings) -> None: """Print summary of all Ewoks settings""" lines = list() resourcedir = ewoks_settings.resource_directory if not resourcedir: resourcedir = "." lines += ["", "", "RESOURCE DIRECTORY:", os.path.abspath(resourcedir)] adict = ewoks_settings.celery if adict is None: lines += ["", "CELERY:", "Not configured (local workflow execution)"] else: lines += ["", "CELERY:", pformat(adict)] adict = ewoks_settings.ewoks if adict is None: lines += ["", "EWOKS:", "Not configured (local workflow execution)"] else: lines += ["", "EWOKS:", pformat(adict)] lines += [""]"\n".join(lines))